Brussel Sprouts Apple Salad with Sriracha and Lime (Vegan, Gluten-free)


Thanks A.C. for bringing this to my potluck! I am amazed at how dishes evolve as recipes migrate from person to person and across time and locations. This salad has roots (*pun intended*) in some swanky NYC restaurant. My friend A.C. ordered a sans-apple version of this salad at said restaurant, liked it, but decided to add apples when he recreated it at home. He brought it over to mine one night, I loved it, but decided to play around with the vinaigrette recipe and with roasting the sprouts instead. And so, three generations of salads later, this recipe was born:




One of the perks/quirks of growing up in an immigrant family is that I never ate Brussel sprouts as a kid. Or if I did, it would have been in an experimental bhaji doused with spices. So come adulthood, I did not retain any sort of Pavlovian aversion to these veggies.

But if you still wrinkle your nose at sprouts…try this recipe and tell me what you think. I first pan-fry the sprouts and then pop them in the oven so that they are more caramelized and not too bitter or fibrous.The apples provide a nice, cool crunch contrasted with the zesty kick of the vinaigrette and the warmth of the sprouts. Perfect transition for spring: phasing out the roasted vegetables and spices and bringing in fresh fruit and citrus!





Serves 2-3 (Appetizer-size servings)

  • 1 packet of Brussel sprouts (~20-30)
  • 1 apple (I used Fuji)

Sriracha Lime Vinaigrette:

  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 tablespoon Sriracha (add more or less depending on spice preference)
  • Cracked pepper, to taste
  • Sea salt, to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 425 F.
  2. Wash sprouts, and slice off bottoms and cut in half.
  3. Heat a pan to medium-high and add sprouts Season with salt and pepper.. Cook for 5-7 minutes or until sprouts are lightly brown around the edges.
  4. Transfer sprouts to oven and roast for another 7-10 minutes.
  5. Thinly slice an apple and cut into small pieces.
  6. Combine Sriracha, olive oil and lime juice in a bowl/container and whisk well till blended.
  7. Take sprouts out of oven and mix in apples. Drizzle a little bit of vinaigrette (you’ll only use about half).

Pair this with an open faced sandwich like beet avocado toast or some artichoke antipasto (shown below). After a ridiculous morning of essay-writing, I needed this clean, relaxing, quiet lunch for one.

