All-natural 3-ingredient face regime

Before I say ANYTHING about skin care, I must caveat this post by saying that everyone has a different body with different physiological needs based on a variety of factors – genes, lifestyle, geographic location, age, sex, etc. So what works for me may not work for you.

That said, over the years and many a college late-night, I learned the hard (though temporarily fun) way that there are 3 essential golden rules of skin care that hold true for most all Homo sapiens:

  1. Hydrate yourself. Water is your best friend and single best ingredient for clear glowing skin. This also means avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and anything that can dehydrate you. I know, sounds like torture.
  2. Sleep. Is for the weak – and for the sensible, and the beautiful.
  3. Avoid the sun. Or at least wear a hat, lather up on sunscreen and don’t spend all day err day lying out on the beach…

As a society, we’re addicted to quick fixes. But if you can consciously start to integrate these guidelines – you don’t have to follow them to a T – your glowing epidermis is pretty much set for life. Beyond that, it doesn’t really matter what gunk you decide to put on your face. But my semi-scientific background and gut instinct tells me that the fewer the artificial ingredients, and fewer words on the bottle label, the better. In fact, best if the stuff doesn’t even come packaged – but straight from a plant source.

For those of us city folk, sourcing our own jojoba oil might be a bit tough. So here is the natural skin regime I have stood by for my 95% zit-free (there is no such thing as 100% unless you’re a baby or an alien), clear complexion. You can find all 3 ingredients in most health food stories, if not your local pharmacy.


Step 1: Honey Tea Tree Oil Cleanser

This cleanser is crazy simple to make, and smells good to boot. Honey gently removes impurities without stripping the skin of natural oils, so it’s ideal for sensitive skin. Both honey and tea tree oil are naturally antibacterial, so they effectively reduce breakouts.


  1. Mix approximately 10 drops of pure tea tree oil into 100 ml of raw honey (scale up or down based on how much honey you have).
  2. Stir or “shake” the bottle for a few minutes so that the TTO mixes in evenly with honey.
  3. Apply a nickel-sized dollop to your face, spread, and wash off.




Step 2: Jojoba Oil moisturizer

Like honey and TTO, you can use jojoba oil for a million things, but I like to use it as a facial moisturizer after cleansing. It’s naturally hydrating yet soaks in super quick so it doesn’t stay oily on your skin.


I use Dessert Essence, but you can use any all-natural jojoba oil with no contaminants, residue, or other oils.

Now go out and show off that glowing epidermis!