Wild Berry Egg Tarts (Vegetarian)


If you’ve ever been to Hong Kong – or Vancouver, or any Chinatown for that matter – you have probably stepped into a Chinese bakery. There is something comforting about the combination of stark fluorescent lighting, that distinct sweet buttery aroma, the click of plastic tongs and trays, and the curt mid-Menopausal cashier that rings up your order before you have time to grab your wallet.

But for those who don’t have the luxury of such an experience in the vicinity, or prefer avoiding the outrageous $1.30 price tag on these treats nowadays (they were 33 cents back in the 90s!), you can now turn your own kitchen into said bakery.

You may have noticed that many of my recipes contain (frozen) blueberries. One of the perks of living in the ‘burbs is that I’m at the nexus of residential and agricultural land. In other words, there is a blueberry farm a 5-minute walk from home! Can’t beat picking fresh berries as a post-dinner digestion aid. So we do a lot of that in the summertime, then freeze ‘em up for baking the rest of the year.




Now, you may not have a blueberry farm next to your house, but maybe some wild blackberry bushes nearby, or a backyard ready to host some fruit trees or veggies, and most likely a farmer’s market in your ‘hood. (A few months ago, my dad and I set up our backyard garden, and we’ve got tons of yummy produce ready to bloom. Be on the lookout for a post on gardening!) Whatever your local flava – add it to the mix! Veganish is all about experimenting, so I encourage you to customize these recipes to your taste and the bestest, freshest goods in your reach.


I must admit, this recipe is super simple largely because I use pre-made tart shells, which you can find at most grocery stores (I got mine at Superstore / Loblaws). The toughest part of this whole process is getting the egg tarts into the oven without spilling! Seriously, requires zen Qi-gong hands. Just imagine you’re moving through a giant block of jello. If you manage to make these tarts sans spillage, I will personally mail you a gold star.




Makes 12 egg tarts

  • 3 eggs
  • 150ml milk
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • ½ cup blueberries & blackberries
  • 12 frozen tart shells


  1. Lay out tart shells onto baking rack.
  2. Beat the eggs, add milk and sugar and stir until smooth.
  3. Place 3-4 blueberries & blackberries in each tart.
  4. Pour mixture into shells.
  5. Carefully place baking rack into the oven.
  6. In a toaster oven, bake at 350 F for 20-25 minutes until tart shells slightly brown.
  7. Share and enjoy!


